Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Crystal Lens

A follow up note on the eye work. It works, I would recommend it. The choice is - keep money in the bank and go blind, or...

The actual procedure is painless as you are under when it's performed. Actually I awoke in the middle of
both operations and started talking with my doctor as they finished up. The post-op is just take it easy and many, many eye drops which start a day before your op and end five weeks later. No heavy lifting or joggles and sleep with a plastic eye cover for five nights.

The difference in my vision is amazing to say the least. I had a new left eye for three weeks before we did the right one. The contrast was vivid. It's like I was wearing a yellow sunglass over the right eye. The colors on the new eyes are almost neon and the whites are blue-hot. I ware sunglasses most of the time now until the nerves get accustom to the new input  and adjust. At first there are hallo's around lights but this effect goes away in two weeks.

Now I'm truly a bionic man.  Two plastic eyes and a plastic leg. I recommend the eyes but not the leg part.

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